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Failed MH370 Search May Have Solved Mystery Of 19th Century Shipwrecks

The most extensive air-sea search in history failed to find Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which vanished without a trace in 2014, but it may have solved the mysterious fate of two 19th century sailing ships. According to a report by the Western Australian Museum, maritime historians believe they have narrowed down the identities of two wrecks discovered as searchers were scanning the ocean floor southwest of Australia looking for the lost Boeing 777 with 239 passengers and crew.

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Pirate crafts ship wreck
Pirate crafts ship wreck
19th century shipwreck
19th century shipwreck
Debris from a shipwreck, including an anchor
Debris from a shipwreck, including an anchor
Shipwreck sites identified in 2015 during search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370
Shipwreck sites identified in 2015 during search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

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